Waste management and recycling has become a very important topic in recent years, this is because of the growing concern about the global environment.
The things that we use, how we use them and the way that we dispose of them can have significant impact on the environment. This impact can be both negative and positive depending on the way people use and dispose of things.
Corporate waste can take many forms, it can be solid, liquid, gas or radioactive. Some forms of waste are non hazardous but there are many that are very dangerous if not disposed of appropriately and many companies are looking for new more cost effective ways of effective waste management.
Waste management relating to individuals and families are not necessarily as dangerous as those relating to organisations, however it is still important that individuals understand how much of an impact they can have on the global environment if they are educated on recycling and waste management.
Waste management across countries, cities and industries are handled differently. Some countries have limited input or concern in regard to the way that waste is handled and this can have significant health implications on residence. For example in most underdeveloped continents and countries like Africa, they have little to no established waste collection policies and piles of food, construction or even clinical waste which can be very destructive are left in random rural areas with no logistical planning in terms of management. These piles of toxic waste can be found in areas where families reside with children and the effects of the waste on the local air and water drastically affects the health of the local people.
The importance of effective waste management cannot be overlooked in these days and times so Shattered Lives is committed to educating and working with individuals and communities both nationally and internationally to help address this issue before it gets out of control.