Global warming and its effect on climate change is the greatest problem that we face in terms of environmental sustainability and while many of us are doing our best to reduce the impact on our environment, there is much more that needs to be done. One of the main reasons for this negative report is due to the number of trees that we are demolishing every day.
CO2 is a gas that is released into the earth’s atmosphere and has a negative impact on global warming as it effectively wraps a blanket around the earth which traps in more heat from the sun and raises the Earth’s temperature.
Even though there is no quick fix, we do have a natural resource that can help counteract the negative effects of CO2 “Trees”. Trees naturally breathe in CO2 and turn it into oxygen, removing the blanket of CO2 we have created and helps to restore the Earth’s temperature.
With the amount of trees that are being cut down each day worldwide, shattered Lives are working towards planting and nurturing as many trees as possible to help contribute to tackling the issues of global warming.
Please support us by donating to our ‘Plant a Tree’ project.